How to make a flow chart Google Slides

How to make a flow chart Google Slides

Are you looking for How to make a flow chart Google Slides? then you are at the right website. Create professional flow charts in Google Slides with ease! Follow our step-by-step guide to visually organize your ideas & impress your audience.

Let’s Make Flow Chart Google Slides

Hey there, awesome creator! Ready to make your ideas flow like a river in Google Slides? Follow these easy steps:

  1. open your Google Slides
  2. Choose the slide where you want your flow chart to live.
  3. Look at the top and find “Insert.”
  4. Hover over Shapes.” A menu appears. Pick a shape for your flow chart box. Maybe a square or a rectangular or circle
  5. Click on your slide to add the shape. Now, add more shapes to your flow chart
  6. Time to add words inside your shapes. Click on a shape, and a little text box will appear. Type in
  7. Need arrows to show the flow? Go back to “Insert,” choose “Line,” and draw arrows
  8. Click on a shape, find “Fill Color” and pick your favorite color.
  9. Now you made a flow chart by following these easy steps

Make a flow chart Google Slides in Practical

Open your Google Slides

google slides

I am creating a new you can Choose the slide where you want your flow chart to live.

how to make a flow chart with google

Look at the top and find “Insert.” and Hover over Shapes.”

how to make a flow chart with google drive

Select any shape you wnat

how to make a flow chart

Here we have added shapes

flow chart

Now Click to fill in the color

flow chart example

Now Slect the colour you want to fill

instructions on how to make a flow chart using google docs

Now Double click to add text

flow chart in google slides

Select the text color

how to make flowchart with chatgpt

Here is the data

google slides tutorial

See how easy that was? Your ideas are flowing smoothly in your Google Slides flow chart. You can make any kind of Chart as you want. Learn How to curve text in Google Slides Easily